Introducing our CASA Superhero: Justin Smith! (His lovely wife accepted his award for him) Always there when needed and tirelessly dedicated to solving problems and making a difference, Justin embodies the true spirit of a superhero. Whether it’s advocating for children, ensuring their voices are heard in court, or going above and beyond for this… Read more »
Volunteer Appreciation: Road Warrior
Introducing our Road Warrior of the Year: Doriscia Brazle! This dedicated individual has traveled far and wide, advocating tirelessly and making a meaningful impact wherever she went. Her passion, commitment, and endless miles on the road have truly made a difference in countless lives. Let’s celebrate Doriscia for her unwavering dedication and the incredible impact… Read more »
Volunteer Appreciation: Rookie of the Year
We’re thrilled to announce our Rookie of the Year: Jazmin Norflett! Jazmin Norflett has already made an incredible impact. Her enthusiasm, dedication, and quick learning have been nothing short of inspiring. Let’s give a round of applause to Jazmin for her outstanding contributions and for setting such a high bar right from the start! Your… Read more »
Volunteer Appreciation 2024: Volunteer of The Year
We are thrilled to announce our Volunteer of the Year: Lucy Pulido In recognition of her unwavering dedication, passion, and tireless efforts in making a difference, Lucy Pulido has truly shone bright among our incredible team of volunteers this year. Let’s shower her with applause and gratitude for her outstanding commitment to CASA of SETX!… Read more »